
Minggu, 06 Desember 2015

Bayi Itu sangat.... Lucu!

Tanggal 12 Oktober 2010 waktu itu, aku tengah mengabari suami mingguanku (disebut suami mingguan karena sejak aku cuti aku memutuskan untuk pulang kampung dan dia tetap kerja di Jakarta, pulangnya seminggu sekali). Percakapan itu isinya mengabarkan bahwa pertemuan dengan dokter yang terakhir mengabarkan bahwa aku harus segera masuk rumah sakit untuk melahirkan secara cecar karena air ketuban di rahimku kian berkurang. Hari itu juga suamiku langsung bertolak menuju Bandung.

Aku tidak mau dicecar, sejak awal aku berniat untuk melahirkan secara normal (menggunakan askes, tentu). maka dari itu kami memutuskan untuk pindah dokter, mencari option lain. Dan bertemulah kami dengan seorang dokter nan ganteng, wangi, rapih, putih...

Dr. Andi Kurniadi, S.pOG, M. Kes. adalah dokter yang membantu kelahiran anak pertamaku di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Cibabat Bandung. Dan yang lebih hebatnya lagi, aku berhasil melahirkan dengan normal. Lahirlah seorang anak perempuan pertamaku yang diberi nama indah nian oleh ayahnya; Kinara Anindita.

Kinara umur satu hari

Soal nama ini, diambil dari sebuah singkatan. Secara bercanda suamiku berkata bahwa Kinara singkatan dari katalog induk naskah nusantara dan anindita singkatan dari anita dan aditia. Namun yang sebenarnya Kinara berasal dari bahasa jawa kuno artinya yang diberi cahaya. Sungguh indah bukan? Namun belakangan kami memanggilnya Kiki saja, dan dia sendiri ketika sudah bisa berbicara memanggil dirinya sendiri Cici.

Kiki umur satu bulan

Aneh bin ajaib, setiap orang yang menengok menyangka bahwa Kiki adalah seorang anak laki-laki. Bahkan seingat kami, tidak pernah ada yang menyebutnya cantik. Rata-rata orang yang baru melihat mengatakan "Iiihh...bayinya sangat...lucu." Baiklah.

Kiki umur lima bulan, mulai terlihat keperempuanannyah. Hehe
Akhirnya orang-orang sadar bahwa Kinara anakku adalah seorang perempuan dari antingnya, haha. Namun sampai umur lima bulan rambut kiki masih belum tumbuh dengan sempurna (baca: botak). Karena aku sebagai ibunya merasa iba dan menghawatirkan masa depannya, maka aku melakukan sebuah trik untuk menyulap kepala botaknya jadi gondrong, jreng-jreng....

Rambut yang tumbuh dalam waktu dua detik sejak topinya dipasang. hehe
Pada saat aku menulis cerita ini, anakku Kinara sudah berumur lima tahun. Sudah sekolah di TK yasmin kelas B. Sudah pintar bersilat lidah dan yang paling sering adalah menghiburku dengan berbagai celotehannya yang kocak. Aku tiba-tiba ingin menuliskan cerita kelahirannya karena aku terhenyak dia tiba-tiba sebesar ini. Kini diperutku tengah tumbuh adiknya, anak keduaku yang nantinya tentu akan aku ceritakan jua disini. ^_^

Kiki umur lima tahun.

1 komentar:

Steve Finnell mengatakan...


Jesus said I will build My church. Which church was that? Matthew 16:15-19...."But who do you say I am?" 16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.".....18 I also say to you that are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven......(THE KEYS WERE USED IN ACTS CHAPTER 2)

Did Jesus say I will build the Methodist Church, the Catholic Church, the Baptist Church, or any of the other 30,000 denominations?


HEAD OF THE CHURCH: Ephesians 5:23...as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.

The apostle Paul did not say, select a man on earth, or a national board and then appoint him or them as head of the church? Paul said Jesus was the head of the church.


When the apostle Paul sent greetings to the Christians in Rome, he said; (Romans 16:16 ....All the churches of Christ send greeting.) Paul did not send greetings from the churches of Roman Catholics, nor from any other denomination. Paul was a member of the Lord's church, not a denomination.

Acts Chapter 2: The same Peter, who Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom of heaven told them how to become member of the kingdom of heaven here on earth, (the kingdom of heaven on earth is the church of Christ, the Lord's church, the body of Christ)? Peter preach Jesus to them and when they believed, he told them to repent and be baptized so their sins could be forgiven, and they received the gift of the Holy Spirit and were added to the Lord's church.

Acts 2:40-41....."Be saved from this perverse generation!" 41 So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls.

They were added to the church only after they believed Peter's preaching and were immersed in water.

The Lord added the saved to His church. The Lord did not add them to the Roman Catholic Church, the Lutheran church, the Baptist Church, nor any of the other 30,000 denomination that exist today. (Acts 2:47... And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.)


Did the apostle Peter consult a man-made catechism, a creed book, or a denominational statement of faith before he preached on the Day of Pentecost?

Revelation 20:15 And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Having you name written in the role book of one of the 30,000 denominations cannot keep you from being thrown into the lake of fire.

When Jesus returns He is coming for His church. Is your name written in the Lamb's book of life. (Revelation 21:1-27......27 but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.

Which church did Jesus die for? JESUS DIED FOR HIS CHURCH!

( All Scripture quotes from: NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE)

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